
Freyja is one of the most prominent goddesses in Norse mythology, known for her associations with love, beauty, fertility, and war.

Goddess of Love and Beauty
Freyja is primarily known as the goddess of love and beauty. She is often depicted as radiant and alluring, representing the ideal of feminine beauty in Norse mythology.

Fertility and Prosperity
In addition to love and beauty, Freyja is also associated with fertility, abundance, and prosperity. She is considered a patroness of marriage, childbirth, and domestic life.

Seiðr Magic
Freyja is a practitioner of seiðr, a form of Norse magic associated with divination, prophecy, and sorcery. She is particularly skilled in this magical art and plays a significant role as a practitioner and teacher of seiðr.

Chooser of the Slain
Freyja is often depicted as a warrior goddess, leading the Valkyries in battle and selecting half of the fallen warriors to reside in her hall, Sessrúmnir, in the afterlife known as Fólkvangr. This aspect of Freyja’s character demonstrates her association with war and death.

Search for Od
One of the most famous myths involving Freyja is her search for her husband, Od (or Óðr), who is often absent. In some versions of the myth, Freyja sheds tears of gold while searching for him.

Freyja is the owner of the Brísingamen, a legendary necklace forged by dwarves. The acquisition of the necklace is a key element in some of the myths surrounding Freyja.

Mythological References
Freyja is mentioned in several Old Norse sources, including the Poetic Edda and Prose Edda, where her various attributes and roles are described in detail.