
Mimir is a figure in Norse mythology, specifically in the context of the Aesir, who are a group of deities in Norse pantheon. Mimir is often associated with wisdom and knowledge. According to the myths, Mimir is the guardian of the Well of Wisdom, which is one of the roots of the World Tree, Yggdrasil. Odin, the chief of the Aesir, sacrificed one of his eyes to gain wisdom from Mimir’s well.

Mimir Losing his head
Mimir lost his head in a conflict between the Aesir gods and the Vanir gods. During this war, Mimir’s fate varied depending on the sources. However, one prevalent account states that Mimir was beheaded during the war. The exact circumstances surrounding his beheading may differ between different versions of the myth, but his severed head was preserved by Odin, who used magic to keep it alive.

Odin and Mimir’s Head
Odin carried Mimir’s severed head with him after Mimir’s death. He preserved Mimir’s head using powerful magic and consulted it for wisdom and advice. Mimir’s head served as a trusted advisor to Odin, offering valuable insights and guidance on various matters.