Eric Bloodaxe / Eiríkr Haraldsson

Eric Bloodaxe, also known as Eiríkr Haraldsson, was a famous figure in Viking history. He was a Viking warrior and ruler who lived during the 10th century. Eric was the son of Harald Fairhair, the first king of Norway, and he himself became king of Norway after his father’s death.

Eric Bloodaxe earned his fearsome nickname due to his reputation for being ruthless and violent. He was involved in numerous battles and conflicts during his reign, both within Norway and in neighboring regions. However, his rule was marked by instability, as he faced opposition from various factions within Norway.

Despite his ferocity, Eric’s reign was relatively short-lived. He was eventually ousted from the throne and forced into exile, seeking refuge in the British Isles. There, he continued to lead a turbulent life, participating in battles and power struggles until his death.

Eric Bloodaxe remains a prominent figure in Viking history, remembered for his martial prowess and his role in the tumultuous political landscape of medieval Scandinavia.

Eric Bloodaxe is remembered for several notable feats during his reign as King of Norway:

Conquest of Northumbria: One of his most famous accomplishments was his brief rule as King of Northumbria, an Anglo-Saxon kingdom in England. He seized power in Northumbria in 947 AD, becoming the first and only Viking ruler of the region.

Battles and military campaigns: Eric Bloodaxe was known for his military prowess and participated in numerous battles and campaigns throughout Scandinavia and the British Isles. He engaged in conflicts to expand his territory and assert his dominance over rival rulers.

Political alliances: Eric was skilled in forming alliances with other Viking chieftains and rulers to strengthen his position. His marriage to Gunnhild, the daughter of a powerful nobleman, helped solidify his influence in Norwegian politics.

Legacy in Norse sagas: Eric Bloodaxe’s life and exploits are chronicled in various Norse sagas, such as the “Heimskringla” by Snorri Sturluson. These sagas portray him as a complex figure, showcasing his ambition, cunning, and ruthlessness.

Eric Bloodaxe was married. His most famous wife was Gunnhild, who was also known as Gunnhild Mother of Kings. She was a prominent figure in Norse sagas and was said to be a woman of great beauty and intelligence. Their marriage was significant in Viking history, as it brought together powerful families and alliances, contributing to Eric’s political influence.

Eric Bloodaxe is said to have had several children, although specific details about them vary across different sources and sagas. One of his most well-known children was his son, Haakon the Good, who later became King of Norway. Haakon was born to Eric and his wife Gunnhild, and he played a significant role in Norwegian history, known for his efforts to Christianize the country and establish a more stable monarchy.

Additionally, Eric Bloodaxe is believed to have had other children, but their namess are not documented. Like many figures from the Viking Age, the information about Eric Bloodaxe’s family comes primarily from Norse sagas and historical records, which can sometimes be incomplete or embellished with legendary elements. Therefore, while his son Haakon is a well-documented figure, other details about Eric Bloodaxe’s children is less accurate.